FAQ’s – Homeowners and Builders installing waveGUARD™
·I am building/rebuilding my home. Should I have waveGUARD™ installed on my house during the building process or should I wait until it’s built?
Installing the waveGUARD™ system during the building process of your home allows the builder to run all plumbing and electrical lines internally in the home, eaves, and attic, concealing them from view. The main components of the system, i.e.: batteries, pump, fire retardant, etc., can be located in a utility closet, garage or basement furnace room. This may eliminate the external steel cabinet housing the system. It’s more cost effective to install during the building process.
·Is it beneficial for the rest of my neighbors to install waveGUARD™ on their homes as well?
Absolutely! This could create a wildfire safe neighborhood for all families with a waveGUARD™ system on their home.
When the system is activated, your home will be covered with a wave of water all at one time. There are no zones waiting to cycle on and off. This “dome” of water and fire retardant will also raise the humidity level in the area as well as reducing the ambient temperature. These are key factors that will direct the fire to other dry arid areas. Fire takes the path of least resistance. That is why the more homes with waveGUARD™ on them, creates a larger area of increased humidity and reduced ambient temperatures.
If the homes in your neighborhood are close together, water and fire retardant from a waveGUARD™ home will be able to overlap onto their neighbors home. Therefore, if more neighbors had the waveGUARD™ system on their home in this case, the neighborhood would be protected. Because of this overlapping of the closer lot sizes, our system can be customized for these neighborhoods that will allow 2-4 homes per system depending upon the size of the home and properties. Again, this depends on the close proximity of the homes and lot sizes.
If the homes are on larger lots and/or more acreage, this changes only because the homes are not close and there will be no overlapping of water and fire retardant. It is still beneficial however, because again, humidity rises and the ambient temperature drops. The open spaces between these homes can also be protected with the system with simple customization of their system.
·Will it be more cost efficient on the installation during the building process?
If you choose to have waveGUARD™ installed on your home during the building process, this will eliminate the need and cost for retrofitting and concealing certain components of the system. It may also allow us to eliminate the need of the steel cabinet that houses the system externally, as well as less materials needed to run the system externally on the home, i.e.: running the piping around structures instead of internally. As stated before, the cost of installing a system during the construction of the home can be much less than after home is built. It is more efficient to run pipe and wires through the framework of the home rather than working to conceal them after the home is built. Additionally, the amount of materials may also be reduced, thus increasing the savings. Living in a wildfire safe neighborhood is the wave of the future, and waveGUARD™ is the company to get you there.

waveGUARD™ Corporation • 7315 S. Revere Pkwy • Ste. 602
Centennial, CO, 80112-3911
800-980-4401 • 720-663 -7071