Fully Autonomous/Self Contained/Fully Automatic
Fully Autonomous/Self Contained/Fully Automatic, complete with its own water and power source. There is no need for human intervention –no manning of pumps, hoses or spraying of product on the home. Our system will do all of that for the homeowner. They need not be present to activate the system. The system is self-activating. The system remains completely autonomous if/when power and water is cut to the property. It remains fully operational for up to 2 weeks; indefinitely if you choose the solar panel option. Upon activation, all the water is applied to the roof simultaneously through all spray heads like a wave of water over your home and a 30’-40’ perimeter of defensible space around the home. There are NO staggered zones waiting to cycle on. waveGUARD™ delivers complete coverage for the home and surrounding area immediately, all at once.
Micro Blaze Out™ - Fire-retardant
In addition to water coverage, a fire-retardant, Micro Blaze Out™, is injected into the water distribution system. Micro Blaze Out™ is NOT a foam or gel. There is NO expensive messy clean up. This “green” product is a live microbe and Safe for all plant life, as well as all animals wild and domestic. Because the fire-retardant Micro Blaze Out™ is not a foam or gel system, the homeowner is able to experience waveGUARD™ in action and confirm the protective coverage on their home and property. This is NOT possible with a foam or gel system and puts homeowners in a position to hope the foam and gel system will work. This product has been approvedby UL NFPA 18 and is on the federal EPA National Contingency Plan, and used throughout all 50 states as well as worldwide.
waveGUARD RoofCool™ Function
waveGUARD RoofCool™ – a function that allows the homeowner the option to run the system anytime, day or night, bypassing the fire-retardant injection process. This will result in saturating the home and a 30’-40’ perimeter around the home with water. The 10-minute cycle lowers the ambient temperature as well as raising the level of humidity. When completed, the water tank will refill and the waveGUARD™ system will rearm itself and be ready for its next activation.
24/7-365 Data Forwarding
24/7•365 Data Forwarding from our headquarters. System can be activated manually if needed from the keypad or emergency switch located on the system cabinet. App for the Smart Phone monitoring and activation coming soon. This will allow homeowners to view and activate their system from anywhere in the world their provider has coverage. The waveGUARD™ exterior wildfire spray system forwards data from each home allowing owner to view all system check points are functioning.

waveGUARD™ is NOT an irrigation system.
There are no “zones” waiting to cycle on and off. Once the system is activated, waveGUARD™ sends a WAVE of water over your entire home, along with a 30′ to 40′ perimeter surrounding your home, creating a dome of water mixed with fire retardant to protect, defend and GUARD your home from dangerous and destructive wildfires.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to install waveGUARD™ system?
Currently it takes 4-8 weeks from contract signing to installation. Order and fabrication of parts begins immediately to meet system specifications. Each system can vary to meet client needs. Once all parts of the system are complete, a date for installation is established. Depending upon the size of the home and property requesting protection, installation on average is completed in 4-8 days, without any challenges that may occur onsite, i.e.; weather, unexpected obstacles, and/or unforseen changes.
Why use a fire retardant?
Using Micro Blaze Out™ in addition to water gives the homeowner an added layer of protection against wildfires.
Is there a feature to confirm system readiness for waveGUARD™?
waveGUARD™ provides 24/7 365 days a year “Data Forwarding” feature via our headquarters. This feature requires the property has “Always On” internet connection (AIC) reporting to the technical personnel at waveGUARD™ Headquarters of any alarms or faults the system may have encountered. Coming soon in the near future, the home owner will be able to download an application to their smart phone that will allow them to confirm their system as well, while at work, on vacation, or just out of town. waveGUARD™ will “Data Forward” status information from each home allowing the ability to confirm that all system checkpoints are functioning, with the capability to activate remotely if needed.
What if there are multiple buildings on my property I want to protect?
Depending on the size of each building and their proximity to each other, you may need more than one system.
Can I activate the system myself manually?
Yes. There is a “Panic” switch on the remote keypad which allows the property owner or caretaker to activate the system manually for any reason.
The waveGUARD™ System
Developed and designed by a dedicated team of professionals, the patented waveGUARD™ Exterior Wildfire Spray System is the most advanced system designed to help protect and defend your home, business and property from dangerous wildfires.
The heart of the system is the patented HMC-400™ Controller. It is specifically designed to confirm and control all functions and components of the system. This includes self-diagnostic routines of the system 24/7 365 through an “Always on” internet connection(AIC), reporting to technical personnel at waveGUARD™ Headquarters of any alarms or faults the system may have encountered.
Fully automatic system, property owner need not be present for system to activate.
Completely functional up to two weeks if utility power is shut off due to an evacuation.
Custom designed to your specific property needs.
When an I.R. detector “detects” an approaching wildfire, it sends a signal to the patented HMC-400™ controller which in turn initiates the process of wetting down the structure, in addition to a 30′ – 40′ perimeter surrounding your home with water and fire retardant in under one minute. The initial wetting process runs for 20 minutes, followed by a continued wetting if the flame detectors continue to detect flames. If no flames are detected, a second wetting process begins with timed cycles of 15 minutes off, 3 minutes on, for 10 cycles or until the tank empties.
During the wetting process, providing the water has not been cut off to the property during evacuation, the water in the tank is being replenished through an auto-fill process and the water level is continually monitored. Should the tank completely empty, all wetting processes are suspended so the pump is not damaged. Once the auto-fill returns the water level to the midpoint, wetting processes are then resumed or changed according to the input from the flame sensors.
The system is designed to function automatically with or without power supplied to it from the utility power grid for up to two weeks. Additionally, no one need be on site to initiate the wetting process. We built the system to operate under the assumption that all utility power will be disconnected, all water shut off, and the home will be evacuated. For extended uninterruptible power, there is an option of a solar powered charging system to maintain the back up of batteries at all times. Additionally the patented HMC-400™ controller can interface with a propane powered generator if so desired.
• Custom designed, patented control panel
• Multi spectrum Infrared flame detectors
• Dedicated water reservoir
• Fire retardant
• Spray heads that provide coverage for home along with 30-40 foot perimeter around the structure
• Roof cooling/soak down allows property owner to run system to manually cool/soak down the property without injecting fire retardant
• Key pad with alarm
• 24/7/365 “Data Forwarding” feature
• Self sustainable battery power supply for uninterrupted power
• Compatibility with propane fueled generator and/or solar power supply
• “Hot Button” located outside of the cabinet. This allows fire fighters to activate the system manually in case of fires coming into the area but there are no flames present at the time. By having the”Hot Button” available, It provides fire fighters the opportunity to be PROACTIVE to the fires and defend the property with a push of the button
Have peace of mind
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.
(800) 980-4401

waveGUARD™ Corporation • 7315 S. Revere Pkwy • Ste. 602
Centennial, CO, 80112-3911
800-980-4401 • 720-663 -7071